myRotation - First Rotation: Lots of Love - Who knew?
Stuff that I think you should have on your MP3 Player, or atleast have listened to once. 1) You have to love music 2) You really have to love music. This should span genres and time. If you havn't heard these, go get'em.
So my first 4 picks:
1) Stevie Wonder - If You Really Love Me.
Oh man.. Motown.. Stevie.. A song that was never overplayed! Tempo changes, simple message. Wham! It has you shaking baking and then sitting down. I found it on a 45 in the 80s and just played it over and over.

They just don't make teenage angst the same anymore. Song still holds up in a different era, where the genre hardly exists. I think I nearly jumped off the roof several times after listening to this in my youth. It had the opposite effect of Stevie. Feel Robert Smith's pain. He knows how you feel!
3) Bob Sinclair - Love Generation
Current uber-catchy hit. Bob Marley flair on a good poppy dance hook, great guitar riff. Nice production, not overdone. Gets you up and won't let you down. Favourite song of '05-'06 so far. It's been on some charts for 20+ weeks.
4) British Whale - This Town Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us
The song's a genre on to it's own. PunkOpera is my best description. I know, not for everyone, but it's got to be heard atleast once. Very original and I can't get the riff out of my head. We'll see if the town can fit one more.
Songs I'd like to derail:

Shakira - Shake my Hips. Oh God, this is the perfect song for that old MAD TV skit. Wyclef, why'd you have to be a feature on this? She better be gettin you some!
Gwen Stefani - Crash. I love Gwen, but oh lord this song is Bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!
All American Rejects - Move Along. Yes listen to their advice. Move Along, nothing to hear here.
So because I know none of these songs...does this make me a dumbass? What ever happened to Top 40 things like Beyonce? She's still cool, isn't she, ol' wise one?
3:43 PM
To the previous person, yes that would make you a dumba$$.
4:25 PM
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