Songs to Drink to...
My "drinking days" were short, but they were sure memorable, wait, or were they unmemorable? Huh. But no matter sober or stinking loaded, songs of drunken stupor have always been appreciated.

License to Ill – probably my favourite album of all time! This is what white rappers are supposed to sound like. Come to think of it though, I’ve never had a Brass Monkey. A Brass Monkey is a cocktail consisting of equal parts vodka, rum, and orange juice. It is thus essentially a screwdriver with rum added.
"Monkey tastes Def when you pour it on ice
Come on y'all it's time to get nice"
2) Tone Loc – Funky Cold Medina
Retro category… Songs that started off popular, got overplayed and then many (many many) years later is a novelty to hear again. No better song to represent back in 89! And NO, the Macerana, Achey Breaky Heart and Who Let The Dogs Out do not or ever will qualify.
This brother told me a secret on how to get more chicks
Put a little Medina in your glass, and the girls'll come real quick
It's better than any alcohol or aphrodisiac
A couple of sips of this love potion, and she'll be on your lap
3) Dean Martin – When you’re Drinking
When you're drinking, when you're drinking
The show looks good to you.
When you're drinking, you get stinking
it helps you're point of view.
But when you're sober, the skies all seem grey -
When you're sober, life's a pain in the...
So keep drinking, that's what I'm thinking-
'cos it's what I like to do.
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